I went to the mall today, and I must say all the Christmas decorations are beautiful, but does anyone care to give Thanksgiving a chance? Here it is a full 8 days from Thanksgiving, which just so happens to bee my favorite holiday EVER, and the christmas decorations are already out. Pay no mind, although, to those who choose to leave theirs up all year round, they do not matter.
As a freshman I am "recommended" to take this course "FYE" which is First Year Experience and today we discussed relationships and what make them healthy and how and why we should maintain them. A few interesting topics came up that I never really thought about. So if you are questioning a relationship of which you are a part the this next paragraph might interest you. If not, please feel free to scroll right past it :)
There are many forms of abuse. Of course everyone knows that-physical and emotional being the most common. The woman that talked with us today, Candice something, discussed being threatened in ways such as "If you don't don XXX (whatever pertains to our situation not meaning porn or anything) then I'm going to leave you" or "why do you choose these things over me?" and such. These shows that the person with whom you are in a relationship is trying to keep control over you and is thinking only about him/herself. It seems sort of "duhh" but when you're in the situation, most people don't worry about things like that and do what he/she are told. I say he/she because I wouldn't
My student planner has these random quotes for every week and I find them to be quite cute and sometimes inspirational, so I think I shall share this week'd quote: "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."-Anatole France. Don't know who he is? I didn't either, so I googled him. He was a French poet and journalist who ended up writing quite a few novels. He received Nobel Prize in 1921 to sum it up.
As it is coming up to the end of the semester, I am getting quite anxious about finals. Who isn't though right? I am ezpecially nervous about my Calculus exam because I really REALLY REALLY RELLY need to pass that exam. If I don't ace it, I will probably have to take Calculus over again. That just sucks to think about. Even though I am not doing well at all, at least I can say I'm not doing well and I have taken advantage of all the extra help and studying I could possible do AND I haven't missed a single class, which is more than I can say for quite a few girls in my class yes they STILL PASS EVERYTHING. That just urks my nerves. I guess it just comes easier to them. It is what it is.
The time has come for yet more studying, and probably dinner with my roommate after she does her Photography presentation (good luck Brittnay!). And yes, my roommate and I have the same name haha. To Do Today: Spend a little extra time studying for that class you know you need to study for but just don't have the encouragement to do; it will pay off in the end! <3
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